Reconciliation in Christ

Below is an English version of my sermon on the 9th of January. It is based on parts of my PhD thesis. According to Matthew 3:13-17, Christ was baptised by a reluctant John the Baptist “to fulfil all righteousness” (3:15). And He fulfilled this through death, by giving His life for us. And un RomansContinue reading “Reconciliation in Christ”

Theurgy and embodiment

In this post, I aim to show a difference between a Pagan and a Christian approach to Neoplatonic theurgy, as I have worked on in my PhD project at Durham University. Attempting to develop a liturgical metaphysic, I have argued that liturgy should be understood as theurgy (Gk. theourgía).[1] Theurgy is a term from NeoplatonicContinue reading “Theurgy and embodiment”